Myer Cooper
He loved the work of ALL the artists and how each of them had their own style. For years he would practice drawing how the artists caricatured their cars. He impatiently waited for every next issue to hit the stands so he could see MORE cars and draw as they did. He continued this until the heartbreaking day when CARtoons went out of print.
A friend of his on Facebook told him about CARtoons making a comeback back in 2015. He was floored and excited to see his childhood magazine come back after so many years. His excitement increased the moment he found out that CARtoons Magazine was looking for more artists. Myer didn’t hesitate to send examples of his work. The mere thought of having his work in the same magazine with the same iconic artists he grew up drawing was a dream of his.
When he got an email back from Marc Methot with an assignment for issue #4, he was ECSTATIC! Contributing art to CARtoons Magazine has been a dream come true for Myer Cooper.
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